Iskcon Ranchi Blog

Nityananda Trayodashi was celebrated on the 14th February marking the appearance of Lord Nityananda who is non different form of Lord Balrama. Whenever Lord Krishna appears, Lord Balrama also appears to assist Lord Krishna. Five hundred years ago when Lord Krishna appeared as Shri Chaitanaya Mahaprabhu to spread the holy names of the Lord which is the yuga dharma for this kali yuga, Lord Balrama also appeared as Shri Nityananda prabhu to assist Shri Chaitanaya Mahaprabhu in spreading the holy names of the Lord. On the day of Nityananda Trayodarshi, entire temple was decorated and a special stage arrangement was made to accommodate 600 plus devotees to participate in the special evening program held at ISKCON Ranchi. The day started with beautiful mangal aarti darshan of Shri Shri Nitai Jharkhand Vihari followed by chanting, online lecture on past times of Nityananda Prabhu by HG Lila Purshottam prabhuji, guru puja etc.

Evening special program started with Harinama Nagar sankirtan by devotees from Silli, lead by HG Vallabh Nitai prabhu. Devotees took turns to do the most auspicious Harinaam sankirtan for two hours. Children who are active members of our Sunday school Prahlad School sang bhajans glorifying Nityananda Prabhu, recited memorized Bhagavad Gita shlokas and so on. A captivating drama on the deliverance of Jagai & Madhai, which depicts the magnanimity of Nityananda Prabhu was played by IYF Ranchi youth. Abhishekam of the Lordships of Shri Shri Nitai Jharkhand Vihari, which was feast for the eyes of all present there, was done with varieties of items as is standard in ISKCON and this was later served as Charanamrita to all. Enthusiastic devotees of our congregation had made several items for Lord and a special bhoga offering with more than 56 items was made to the Lordships.

Our special guest that day HG Devakinandan Prabhu, ISKCON Zonal Secretary (Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal) graced the event and delivered wonderful class on the past times of Nityananda Prabhu and inspired everyone present there to take up on the chanting of the holy names as their integral part life and be happy. Session ended with Sankirtan by HG Devakinandan Prabhu followed by serving of full feast prasadam to all devotees. HG Govind Prabhu led a team of devotes who made prasadam from early morning till evening and made sure that everybody who turned up at the temple got prasadam of the Lordships.
