Every Sunday, the center invites the devotees of the city to come together and share devotional spirit among themselves. As part of this program, devotees are invited to join the resident devotees for a ‘Love Feast’. The program has been aptly named as ‘Love Feast’ as we all try to feast on our love for Lord Krishna. It is because of this very love, we welcome everyone to experience their forgotten relationship with their supreme master. While reminding each other about this ‘daivik sambhand’, initiated devotees, with utmost love, come together to prepare ‘bhog’ for Sri Jagannath Baladev Subadra. After offering the ‘bhog’, visiting devotees are offered ‘Mahaprasadam’ with similar affection of love.

The program starts with Kirtan. Following the Kirtan, we have lectures by senior devotees on the pastimes of Lord Krishna and lilas of his devotees. Such lectures are aimed at instigating the devotional emotion among the visiting devotees. The lectures are followed by interactive Q&A sessions. Post the sessions, all the devotees join hands to perform Aarti and ecstatic dance and kirtan. And during all these, our younger devotees are engaged with Sunday School program.

Post these, all devotees sit together to enjoy the lovely ‘Mahaprasadam’.


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