Brahma muhurat, the time period beginning one and a half hour before sunrise as it occurs is the most auspicious time of the day. At this time of the day, all the living entities, especially the devotees, would have completed their rest from previous days activities. The environment is calm, and the air is still. This provides a perfect surrounding for us to remember our relationship with Lord Krishna and think about our existence.

We start this process with Mangla Arti. It is the Sri SriGurvastakam, written by one of the great Acharyas, Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur. It consists of eight prayers glorifying our spiritual master, Krishna. It is then followed by Narsimha Arti, a prayer for Narsimha Dev, the greatest destroyer of all the obstacles in the path of bhakti. It is then followed by Tulasi Arti. This prayer is for Tulasi Devi, who is considered as a pure devotee of Lord Krishna and has taken the form of a tree. Its significance can be imagined from the fact that no ‘bhog’ is offered to the Lord without putting in Tulasi leaves along with it.

Post these three Artis, we offer different prayers for another fifteen minutes, depending on various occasions and then we chant the mahamantra

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

This concludes our morning program.

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