Purification of mind happens through knowledge. And books are considered to be the most secure as well as the most accessible vaults for knowledge. But which books to follow when it comes to the true transcendental knowledge about Krishna consciousness? The answer is the books written by someone who is bonafide and himself has been transcended by such knowledge such as Srila Prabhupada. He has written more than 70 books himself and has dictated many more, which are full with knowledge about Krishna Consciousness and are the true weapon against the ignorance we have today.
In the current era of information explosion we are bombarded with information day-in day-out through our mobile phones & other gadgets via internet. Most of the information is nothing but useless garbage which is directing people towards immorality, cheating mentality, adultery, intoxication etc. This in turn is resulting in addiction, depression, health issues, relationship issues, family disintegration, and even suicides.
To relieve and help people not fall victim to & come out of such situations devotees of ISKCON Ranchi distribute Bhagavad Gita & other transcendental literature of Srila Prabhupada which is the light for the present dark age of Kaliyuga.
Devotees go out practically everyday to distribute Bhagavad Gita and other literature at Colleges and Schools, popular markets, bus stations, railway stations, malls etc. so that people in general get benefited. We actively organize stalls around the city for distribution of these marvels. Armed with these literary weapons, we actively venture out everyday helping our fellow citizens of Ranchi to overcome the evils of ignorance and prepare them to get into Krishna Consciousness.