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The Glories of Ekādaśī: A Sacred Fast for Devotion and Spiritual Upliftment!

1. What is Ekādaśī?

Ekādaśī, observed on the eleventh day of both the waxing (Śukla Pakṣa) and waning (Kṛṣṇa Pakṣa) phases of the moon, is a sacred day dedicated to Lord Viṣṇu. Derived from Sanskrit, “Ekādaśī” means “the eleventh day,” and it is considered highly auspicious for fasting, prayer, and devotion.

On this day, devotees abstain from grains, beans, and certain foods, dedicating their time to chanting, reading scriptures, and worshiping Lord Viṣṇu.


2. Glories of Ekādaśī

Supremacy of Ekādaśī

"O Gopīs, just as among Nāgas, Śeṣa is supreme; among birds, Garuḍa is supreme; among devatās, Viṣṇu is supreme; among varṇas, Brāhmaṇa is supreme; among trees, the Pīpal is supreme; and among leaves, the Tulasī leaf is supreme—similarly, among all fasts, the Ekādaśī fast is the most supreme."
(Garga Saṁhitā, Mādhurya Khaṇḍa, Chapter 7, Śloka 50-51)

"Giving in charity at holy places like Prabhāsa, Kurukṣetra, Kedāra, Badarīkāśrama, Kāśī, and Śukara does not equal even one-sixteenth of the merit obtained by observing a fast on Ekādaśī."
(Garga Saṁhitā, Mādhurya Khaṇḍa, Chapter 7, Śloka 47-49)


3. Greatness of Ekādaśī

Liberation Through Worship

"Whoever, on the auspicious day of Ekādaśī (Viṣṇu Tithi), worships Lord Viṣṇu with fragrant and fresh flowers becomes liberated from all sins committed in the past thousand lifetimes and attains the supreme abode of Lord Viṣṇu."
(Brahma Vaivarta Purāṇa, Pūrva Bhāga, Chapter 13, Śloka 59)

Scriptural Study on Ekādaśī

"One should read the Rāmāyaṇa, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, Mahābhārata, and other works by Śrīla Vedavyāsa on the auspicious day of Ekādaśī."
(Padma Purāṇa, Bhāga 7, Kriyā Yoga Sāra Khaṇḍa, Chapter 22, Śloka 137)


4. Disadvantages of Not Observing Ekādaśī

Sins Concentrate in Grains

"By the order of the glorious Lord Viṣṇu, all sins that exist in the world take refuge in grains on Ekādaśī. Those who eat grains on Ekādaśī should be known as the greatest sinners."
(Padma Purāṇa, Section 7, Kriyāyogasāra-Khaṇḍa, Chapter 22, Verse 49-50)

Supreme Benefits of Fasting

"Men who fast on Ekādaśī are freed from all sins and attain the supreme abode of Lord Viṣṇu. O beautiful-eyed one, there is nothing else that can absolve sins like Ekādaśī. There is no other vow comparable to Ekādaśī. He who, ignoring Ekādaśī, observes another vow abandons a great kingdom in his hand to beg elsewhere. All sins committed with the eleven senses (the five knowledge-acquiring senses, five working senses, and the mind) perish through a fast on Ekādaśī."
(Padma Purāṇa, Uttara-Khaṇḍa, Chapter 234, Śloka 7-10 – Lord Śiva to Mother Pārvatī)


5. Material Benefits of Ekādaśī

Ekādaśī also offers material prosperity and blessings, as demonstrated by King Hariścandra:

"King Hariścandra observed the Ekādaśī fast, and as a result, he enjoyed a prosperous kingdom on Earth and, at the end of his life, ascended to Vaikuṇṭha Dhāma with all his ancestors."
(Garga Saṁhitā, Mādhurya Khaṇḍa, Chapter 10, Śloka 20)



Ekādaśī is not just a fast; it is a profound spiritual practice that connects the devotee to Lord Viṣṇu’s divine grace. By observing this sacred day, devotees gain freedom from sins, material prosperity, and eternal bliss in Vaikuṇṭha.

The glories of Ekādaśī, as described in various Purāṇas, emphasize its unique and irreplaceable role in devotion. Let us honor this sacred tradition and reap its transformative benefits by dedicating ourselves fully to Lord Viṣṇu through fasting, prayer, and study of the scriptures.

May Lord Viṣṇu bless us all with devotion and liberation!
