Iskcon Ranchi Blog

Sanatana Dharma is a faith which accommodates everyone including their preferences, likes or dislikes. As individuals, we are drawn to different Gods & Goddesses based on the impressions we carry in our consciousness. Obviously, it is natural to be drawn to someone we can relate to.

'Navratri' is a grand festival to celebrate the Divine Feminine manifestation. As Shubho Mahalaya in Bengal, Navratri in Hindi speaking states, Garba in the North Western province, the 9 days set the mood for upcoming festivities in India.

Maa Durga, is benevolent & loving. If you do worship her with all your heart and purity, she will grant you boons. But the catch is -

Are we aware of what to ask for? Are we aware of what is actually important for this precious life of ours? The answer to the questions above is that the pivot of everything in this world and beyond is Krishna. The Ultimate Truth & the Supreme Lord.  

Navratri is a spiritually opportune moment for all of us to pray to Goddess Durga to grant us the desire to be closer to Krishna, the path which leads to him and the courage to sustain on that path.

Since Goddess is the feminine manifestation of Krishna's energy, she will indeed be happy for us to be asking for something beyond material.

Of course, there is a plethora of distractions in form of ephemeral pleasures which can take us away from the main purpose of life. We can ask for that too. But wouldn't that be underutilising our chance to maximise the returns of our human form?

We will keep the question open- ended for you to ruminate upon.

This Navratri, let's be intelligent enough to exercise our power of choice between Material Distractions &  Krishna Consciousness.

