Iskcon Ranchi Blog

Purnima is considered the most auspicious day in the Hindu calendar. It is regarded as the most sacred and fruitful day. Generally, every Purnima has some importance, but the Purnima which falls on Bhadrapada month is most significant.From this Purnima Shraddha Paksha, also known as Pitra Paksha starts. It lasts till the new moon of Ashwin. On this day, in few parts of India, Ganesh Utsav comes to an end, and on the other end, shraddha paksha begins.

In Srimad Bhagavatam, 12th canto 13th chapter 13th shloka, if a person gifts Srimad Bhagavatam on the day of Bhadra Pada Purnima he will achieve success on the spiritual pathway and attain enlightenment. Thus, in this line of Bhagavatam, knowledge of spirituality and, its significance is attained.

In Padam Purana, it is mentioned that Srimad Bhagavatam is not different from Supreme Lord. Various cantos of Bhagavatam are compared with Lord’s various body parts. Srimad Bhagavatam is the ultimate source to reach  Krishna. It  originated just after the departure of the Lord from the material world to the supreme abode.

Bhadra-purnima is also the date on which Srila Prabhupada took sannyasa. When asked, “Are you going to America?” he replied, “No, Srimad-Bhagavatam is going to America—I am going with it.”

We at Iskcon Ranchi are inviting devotees to be part of our Bhadra purnima celebration by following the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, and thereby distributing Bhagwatam to wandering souls. A devotee can take Bhagwatam for himself or can gift it to someone. HG Madhusudan Mukund Das, temple president will himself do placing ceremony at their home.
