Iskcon Ranchi Blog

Be it the melody of the flute, the sweetness of _Maakhan_or the vibrancy of Peacock's feather, everything and anything even remotely related to our dearest Krishna, exuberate unparalleled love & warmth. And he being that loving father, forever waits for us to ignite that spark of love for him.  🔥

Sri Krishna Janmashtami, is one such day when we can soften our hearts to invite him for illuminating the dark seat of ignorance we all are currently residing in.

Although, even if one offers a Tulsi leaf and some water to Krishna with pure devotion, Krishna  accepts it and becomes very happy, but we would still attempt to guide you on lucid ways to please Krishna for gaining maximum benefits on this auspicious day. 🌿

1) Fasting : 🕛
Fasting deepens our prayer and attention, so we can remain fully absorbed in Krishna's trance while thinking of him. 
You are advised to refrain from grains and consume fresh fruits and dairy products according to your preference and health conditions.

2) Bhoga : 🍓
Krishna purifies the food we eat and makes it fit for consuming by nullifying any Karmic reactions associated with it. The Bhoga which we then consumes also imparts mercy important for spiritual growth. 
If possible offer 108 food items to the Lord for his happiness, or you can also offer milk sweets to Krishna as he relishes them alot. 
But remember,  the secret ingredient is Love❣️.

3) Be in the Divine Company 💫 
Krishna loves to be around his devotees! If you want to please the Lord, surround yourself with divine atmosphere and company of devotees. At ISKCON Ranchi we would welcome and encourage everyone to experience spiritual bliss on the magnificent day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami by dancing together in the Sankirtana, being present to witness the fulfilling Abhishekam and Aarti

The most special way to love our dear Krishna, is to serve him with the best of our capacity. Remember, he loves sincere efforts 🌸

Please try to make heartfelt contribution in the celebration of this grand day, which will greatly benefit the earnest hearted citizens by donating an amount according to your will & convenience. We would deeply appreciate your affection for Krishna and pray to him for your material progress leading to spiritual growth🌟

To facilitate Prasadam and Divine Company for devotees, ISKCON Ranchi is organizing Janmashtami celebration at CMPDI Campus, Kanke in Ranchi. You all are cordially invited to be part of this celebration. The Program Schedule is as below:

Vishesh Janmastami Sandhya Kirtan - 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Quiz & Cultural Program - 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Special Katha - 9:00 - 10:00 PM
Maha Abhishekam - 10:00 - 11:00 PM

Kaun Banega Krishnabhakt Quiz - 11:00-12:00 Midnight

Darshan, Arti, & Mahaprasadam - 12:00 AM Onwards


To contribute towards this celebration, you can donate for below sevas as per your preference

Prasadam Distribution Seva - ₹251,000
Pandal & Decoration Seva - ₹251,000
Lights & Sound System Seva - ₹151,000
Raj Bhog Seva - ₹51,000
Abhishekam Seva - ₹51,000
Vaishnav Bhojan Seva - ₹51,000
Flower Showering Seva - ₹51,000
Kids Prize Distribution Seva - ₹51,000
Vigrah Vastra Alankar Seva - ₹25,000
Vigrah Pushpa Alankar Seva - ₹21,000
VidyāDānam Seva ( 108 Bhagvad Gita) - ₹21,000 
Palki And Jhoola Seva - ₹21,000
Maha Arti Seva - ₹11,000
Rangoli Seva - ₹11,000

Please Note- Voluntary Partial donations according to one's convenience, for any of the above listed Sevas are whole heartedly welcome.

Please click here to make your donations.
